Thursday, May 28, 2020

Obesity Epidemic in America - Free Essay Example

In the last twenty years obesity has become a common problem in America. The majority of the obesity increase comes from lower income Americans, because why would they go to the grocery store and get fruits and vegetables that cost double the fast food, like McDonalds, Burger king, Sonic, and Arbys, which are processed food with high fat content. Lack of exercise and watching television or playing video games is a major problem for young children. Children need to exercise daily by running, jogging or even dancing, and healthy eating to reduce weight gain. To decrease obesity a healthy life style, eating healthy foods, and exercising will eliminate the increase in diseases; blood pressure, coronary disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer. Should parents be responsible for the obesity of their children? Ron Kind stated, This starts with recognizing signs of obesity in our children and working to treat and prevent unhealthy lifestyle choices at a young age. Establishing body mass index as a vital sign will help parents identify when their child is at, or approaching, an unhealthy weight (1). One of the main causes in rise of obesity is that people eat junk food too often. In todays society fast food companies are everywhere like McDonalds, Arbys, Burger King, Sonic, Wendys Taco Bell, and Chick-Fil-A. Some of these places have playground for kids but thanks to places like these children eat processed food more than usual not only that but they also drink soda as much as they want because every company of those can always refill. Junk Food include high level of fat and not enough nutrients. However, a lot of people choose fast food over healthy food because its faster, cheaper, and easier. Especially if there is a party most people just get pizza and soda and that how they party. Everyone in Americans have the access to a healthy choices where they can live there life the way they want and with being healthy and exercising well everyone can do anything learn, work, play, dance, and participate in sports. Basically live a normal life like everyone else, and by lowering the needs of junk food, sodas, fried food, and getting more exercise, eating healthy, and doing activities will decrease the number of obesity in the America. Everyone is different, some people choose to do surgery because diet and exercise cannot lead to the same success for everybody. That is why some do surgery, although the struggles of physical habits in life can make a difference in peoples lives, sometimes certain weight is needed. In able to be in sports there are requirements for every sport for example soccer, baseball, tennis, basketball, volleyball, and cheerleading, and in each of those sports there is a weight limit and if anybody is over that weight than they cannot play that sport. This is the first generation kids are dying at a younger age than their parents age because of their weight and ability of their physical activity. Not everyone have to be skinny to be able to lift or push a certain amount. Many sports requires running, lifting and controlling balance. Thats when they go to the gym and build muscle. Patricia, quoted that weight loss Surgery is Less about anatomically changing ones digestive system and more about making life long sustainable, lifestyle changes(3). When eating more calories than what is needed, over time that extra calories that is being added will lead to obesity. When there are more calories in than out there are a lot of health problems like type two diabetes which is a chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar, and also high blood pressure which is a major risk factors for heart disease, and it has been an increase with weight gain and age, and also cancer, cancer occur when the normal cells of the body start to grow abnormally. Obesity can lead to many different cancers. That why people show watch what they eat and start to take more control of their body and its habit. The percentage of children and teens affected by obesity and how the numbers have gotten higher and higher each year and the increases of risk in diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and even cancer, and how they can change into nightmares where people cannot breathe, how it can be controlled by healthy choices, and sometimes it cannot be controlled due to their health. Americans have the access to a healthy choices where they can live there life the way they want and with being healthy and exercising well everyone can do anything learn, work, play, dance, and participate in sports. Basically live a normal life like everyone else, and by lowering the needs of junk food, sodas, fried food, and getting more exercise, eating healthy, and doing activities will decrease the number of obesity in the America. Obesity can be all ages, not just adults but all ages can be obesity because there are young people that are overweight and with diseases, but some of them are overweight because of their genetic not because of their bad habit of eating or not exercising. Most of these people cannot do anything about it because that is how there born and even if they start a diet or start to control what they eat they will not change as much because that is who they are. Some people judge by how they look and not by their personality, education, or even their background. Which is horrible because nobody deserves to be treated that way. Judging people by what they look like or who they hang out with is not a smart choice. Just because they might be bigger, fatter, or have health issues does not mean there bad people. So just accept people for who they are.

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